Monday, November 2, 2009

Safety of Faruque Ahmed

Safety of Faruque Ahmed

21 million dollar man
Allan Moss, trucking magnet Lindsay Fox and many big “Australians” suddenly found their love for disabled people. They wanted to follow the footstep of the taxi mafia and eat out taxi plates under the guise of assisting the disabled people.

Faruque Ahmed found out the plan and told them that their plan won’t work. These mobs “bought out” a few “greedy disciple s” of Faruque Ahmed. After a costly exercise, they lost big time and the taxi mafia laughed all the way to the bank. Michael Jools and David Bradley are still trying to make few quid at the expense of taxi drivers!

Faruque Ahmed you got a tough job! Be careful and take care. By the way, don’t worry about Ross Nelson and Jimmy West.

In, mamubhi wrote:Re: Stupid Taxi Owners

I don’t know why Faruque Ahmed is wasting his valuable time for taxi drivers!

I appreciate the fact that many taxi drivers respect his good intention and tireless work. However, a few taxi drivers simply hate Faruque Ahmed’s guts because he got more knowledge, patience and determination than anyone. A few born losers hate Faruque Ahmed and his guts simply they are congenital racists. The taxi mafia’s dislike of Faruque Ahmed is predictable and not surprising.

This time the taxi mafia managed to silence Faruque Ahmed for the last three weeks. The taxi mafia has been bribing successive Premiers, Minister for Transport and big public servants! Now, taxi mafia is bullying, muzzling and dictating media outlets! One may ask, “is it possible in a free and democratic country like Australia”? Well, let’s find out.

Now, the taxi mafia is spreading propaganda like, “Faruque Ahmed is trying to decimate the taxi industry”. This type of propaganda is very dangerous! Some misguided and cranky taxi owners may do something wrong against Faruque Ahmed.

Faruque Ahmed has been trying to remove corruption from the taxi industry. He was trying to expose the taxi mafia and ensure a good deal for working taxi drivers and owners. People like Reg Kermode, Peter Hire, …. Have been pinching public assets to fill up their own pockets in many ways! They are squeezing working taxi drivers, owners and public. These people should be prosecuted for their crimes.
I’ll say,
Faruque Ahmed should get in touch with police for his own protection.

--- In, "Biplobi Faruque" wrote: Re: Stupid Taxi Owners

I was correct! What's happened today?
Lot's of cranky talk.
No organizational skills, no historical or legal knowledge of the industry!
Therefore no direction and no decision!!

--- In, "Biplobi Faruque" wrote: Re: Stupid Taxi Owners
The taxi owners are stupid and brain dead morons! Well, it is not my statement! It is the statement of the taxi mafia!! He also said, "I will use your money and wealth to screw you up. You won't be able to stand up against me because;
1. You are stupid.
2. You are brain dead.
3. You are not united.
4. Therefore I run the show."

It appears, the
taxi mafia is correct.

The taxi owners/operators like it or not, the taxi mafia is compelling all of them to be member of the NSW Taxi Council P/L and NSW Taxi Industry Association. He has been doing so despite the fact that this practice is illegal under many Federal legislations and practices including the ACCC related laws and regulations! Ironically, the successive NSW Department of Transport (Transport and Infrastructure) assisting the taxi mafia by stealth. Why is it so?

One must ask the question, who makes the decision and on what basis do they ensure what should be the radio fee, insurance and many other costs related to operation of a taxi cab? The NSW Taxi Council P/L and NSW Taxi Industry Association should be protecting their interests! Yet, they are not doing so. In reality, they are protecting the interest of the out side investors and many other unsavory groups contrary to the wish and interest of the working taxi drivers and taxi owners/operators.

The current idea of flooding the market will enhance the income of the taxi mafia and reduce the income of current taxi owners/operators and drivers including misguided and ill-informed would-be taxi operators due to huge injustices including many harsh, unjust and unconscionable practices of the taxi industry.

Minister Campbell's recent decision to release more taxi plates has got no basis in reality, common sense and seriously lacks any test of fairness. In plain, it is a cunning scheme to reward the taxi mafia at the expense of justice, decency and good governance.

Remember, the taxi mafia used you to grab many types of taxi plates (public assets) under the guise of assisting the disabled people! Where are those nexus taxi plates and many types of plates they took from the government? Where are the income generated by those plates? Why can't they recall all of those taxi plates and them handover taxi drivers directly under proper conditions?

Faruque Ahmed
Free Australia Now
Source: Sydney Taxi Corruption